The Way
Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This
is the way; walk in it.”
As I reflect today on the pathway of my life, I am filled with amazement over where I am right
now. The amazement comes from the fact that if I had been asked 40 years ago where my life
was going, I know I would never have envisioned being a pastor, especially a pastor living in
Palm Springs.
So, as I pondered the right and left turns of my life, I see the choices that put me on a path that
was not who I was, and then I see how the Lord gently (not always gently) nudged me back on
His path, that lead me to become all that He created me to be.
It is such a powerful thing for me, because I know the many times He has spoken, and
said...”Don, this is not for you, this is the way!” That’s the way our Lord works. He leads, He
speaks, and then gives us the opportunity to exercise our free will. Only God does that. Which
means the situations I face good or bad are because of my choices, nobody else’s. Follow Him
good things happen, walk alone and I’m on my own.
Today I can truly say, that after 68 years of walking life’s path I am truly where, and what He
has created me to be. My encouragement to you today is not let complacency,
confusion, or trepidation rule your life. Be bold and confident, walking in faith believing our
God through the power of the Holy Spirit will guide you to become all that He has created you
to be. Listen and hear Him say, “this is the way, walk in it!
Pastor Don
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This
is the way; walk in it.”
As I reflect today on the pathway of my life, I am filled with amazement over where I am right
now. The amazement comes from the fact that if I had been asked 40 years ago where my life
was going, I know I would never have envisioned being a pastor, especially a pastor living in
Palm Springs.
So, as I pondered the right and left turns of my life, I see the choices that put me on a path that
was not who I was, and then I see how the Lord gently (not always gently) nudged me back on
His path, that lead me to become all that He created me to be.
It is such a powerful thing for me, because I know the many times He has spoken, and
said...”Don, this is not for you, this is the way!” That’s the way our Lord works. He leads, He
speaks, and then gives us the opportunity to exercise our free will. Only God does that. Which
means the situations I face good or bad are because of my choices, nobody else’s. Follow Him
good things happen, walk alone and I’m on my own.
Today I can truly say, that after 68 years of walking life’s path I am truly where, and what He
has created me to be. My encouragement to you today is not let complacency,
confusion, or trepidation rule your life. Be bold and confident, walking in faith believing our
God through the power of the Holy Spirit will guide you to become all that He has created you
to be. Listen and hear Him say, “this is the way, walk in it!
Pastor Don
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