We are looking for individuals who can assist us with mailing and filing at different times throughout the year.
This a Children’s Ministries weekly event that includes Bible memorization, teaching, and game activities. The ages are Nursery-5th grade and meets on Wednesday nights.
Baby Baskets
Your help is needed to put together a special basket recognizing the birth of a new baby in the church.
Monthly Baptism on Sunday mornings requires assistance in allocating the Made New T- Shirts, registration, and directions to those individuals being baptized.
We are looking for individuals to work in the Nursery, Toddler area during our Sunday morning, Wednesday services. Also, needed for midweek small groups and Bible studies. This position requires background check and fingerprinting.
Christmas Decorating
Christmas at DC is a very special time, and with that comes the need for assistance setting up Christmas trees, lights, and garland in the Sanctuary and Morrow Center. This opportunity to volunteer usually occurs in the last week of November.
Church Events
Fall Fest, BBQs, family nights,Chili Cook-off, These events happen throughout the year, and usually requires setup and tear down for food preparation, game area set-up, and crowd control. We will contact you prior to the scheduled event.
DC Food Outreach
We distribute bags of food every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 7 AM from our small gymnasium.
Gideon's 300
As a prayer partner in Gideon’s 300, you will receive a daily or weekly update regarding prayer requests for individuals in our congregation. In addition, praise reports will be sent as we see God faithfully answer the requests we have brought before Him.
If you enjoy meeting new people we would love your smiling face to greet and welcome the church family as they arrive to service.
Homeless Ministry
We distribute gloves, blankets, hygiene kits, and coats to the homeless community.
Hospital Visitation
We are looking for individuals that could be available to visit our local hospitals and pray with our church family that are experiencing health issues.
We are looking for individuals that could prepare and serve coffee and donuts to the congregation following service.
Information Center
Distribute ministry information cards, answer questions, and give directions before and following the morning services.
Memorial Services
Set up, and decorate the reception table in the Morrow Center, assist with the arrangement of food, desserts, and beverages.
Mochas for Missions
Fundraising for the mission trip team, by preparing and selling mochas. Don’t worry we will teach you.
Phone Ministry
You will be in our office making phone calls for birthdays, and check-up calls to see how people are doing.
Nursing/Retirement Homes
We are looking for individuals to visit our local homes to pray, and occasionally administer communion, to those church members that reside there.
An usher conveys hospitality and friendliness to our church family and guests. Ushers assist with offering, and crowd control.
Vacation Bible School
During the month of June, VBS always happens. We need teachers, game leaders, setup/teardown teams, and helpers.
Voter Registration
Assist individuals with completing their voter registration information during election years.
Worship & Production Team
Our Worship & Production Team is looking for people who are excited to help serve with lighting, cameras, running Sunday worship lyrics, and helping with our Worship band.