Young at Heart

Age is just a number! At Desert Chapel, we are intentionally a multigenerational church! We have lots of kids, teens, and young adults. BUT, we also have a great number of spunky middle age and senior adults.
Our Young at Heart group serve throughout the church, are faithful in attendance, and supportive of the overall ministry of DC. They also like to travel, explore, and eat! As such, we provide opportunities for our Young at Heart to have fun, build relationships, and grow in faith. The next activity is right around the corner, so watch the website, and listen for the in-service announcements.
Our Young at Heart group serve throughout the church, are faithful in attendance, and supportive of the overall ministry of DC. They also like to travel, explore, and eat! As such, we provide opportunities for our Young at Heart to have fun, build relationships, and grow in faith. The next activity is right around the corner, so watch the website, and listen for the in-service announcements.