Riding the Storm Out

If you’ve lived anywhere in the Midwest like me you’ve probably had to ride out a few storms during the summer months. I grew up in the heartland of Illinois where corn fields met the horizon and your neighbors lived a field away. It was a great place to grow up and explore God’s Creation. As it was often referred, living in Tornado Alley was an all too common experience living thru multiple storms during the hotter months. It was a part of our lives. Many folks would be complacent toward any news of impending trouble. In fact, many Illinoisans would grab their lawn chairs, sit in the garage with the garage door wide open, and watch the
lightening show as if it was the 4th of July. I can still hear the “Oooohs” and “Aaaahs” with every
crack of thunder and bolt of lightning. God’s laser show seemed to always draw out a unique
pattern with every clap of God’s hands.

But every now and again we would see a monster storm cycle in with rolling, churning,
menacing clouds the color of two week old pea soup. Nasty looking! Following the clouds came
the pervasive wind hurling the rain sideways literally burning your skin for those brave enough
to venture past the garage door threshold. Then came the hail. A tell-tale sign a tornado was
near and it was time to head to the basement. Our basement became our refuge from the
tempest. This was a circumstance we had no control over. But we trusted the builder of the
house to keep us safe all the while the storm raged outside. As we huddled together we sat
silent. Leaning on each other for support. I can tell you I was very thankful I could run to our
hiding place and ride the storm out. Eventually the storm would pass and the clouds would
break open allowing the sun’s rays to shine.

You know our Father in Heaven has created a safe space for His children as we ride out this current storm in life. Psalm 32:7 says, “For you Lord are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Likewise Psalm 119:114 reads, “You are my hiding place and my shield; your Word is my only source of hope.” When we call on Jesus He is able to gently hold us in His protective arms. God’s Word provides the calm we need in the midst of our crisis, whatever you may be going thru. As we celebrate the Easter season, let us always trust the master builder for He has laid the foundation of our
 in Jesus Christ. In accordance with His Word prophesied in Psalm 118:22-23, “The stone rejected by the builders has now become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing and it is
marvelous to see.” This storm will pass and the sun will shine again. And it will be marvelous!!

Dave Carey

1 Comment

David &Gail - April 12th, 2020 at 1:42pm

Thank you Jesus


