
John 10: 1-5 To him the doorkeeper opens and, the sheep hear His voice; and He calls
His own sheep by name and leads them out.

These are amazing times; flooded with so much noise, all of which is clamoring for our
attention and claims to be the truth. How do I know what is right, and how can I be
assured of putting my life, my family’s life under the right direction? Those questions are
powerful, and eternal implications. What do I do?

My answer is listen…tune into the right voice. For those of you that know me well, you
know I struggle with the ability to hear properly. It is so funny when people are aware of
my loss, they begin to talk louder, and in drawn out words. What they fail to understand,
is that my problem is not related to volume, but to frequency. You can yell as loud as
you want all I hear is the noise my brain does not interpret the words. The facts
are…certain frequencies, because of nerve damage, I will not hear.

As I was talking with my wife Shawna, she was asking me about the current flood of
noise on the TV and rants on Facebook regarding conspiracies, and how everyone is
oblivious to what is going on, is it political, is it spiritual, is it medical, are we just blindly
being led along? How do we know?

The answer can be found in those first five verses in John chapter ten. We listen! If we
listen to the right voice verses 3-4 say, He call His own by name…that is us! More
importantly He does not just send us out to face the world, He goes before us, and if we
listen, we follow. Why? Because we know His voice. I love verse 5. We will never follow
the voice of a stranger, but will flee from them, because we do not know their
voice…how reassuring!

So, today start to tune your ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He speaks to you every
day, and if you listen…I mean really listen you will never be led astray or buy into a lie,
because you hear only His voice!

Pastor Don

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